Поговорим о кофе! 30 английских выражений со словом кофе

Как вы запоминаете новые английские слова и выражения? Не стоит просто учить слова по списку. Гораздо лучше работает способ изучения новой лексики в контексте.

Сегодняшний урок особенно понравится любителям кофе. Вы познакомитесь с 30-ю английскими выражениями, в которых употребляется слово «кофе». Урок предназначен как для начального, так и для среднего уровня владения английским.

Likes and Dislikes

To offer a cup of coffee you may say:

“Would you like a cup of coffee?”

To talk about the way it tastes, you may say:

My coffee tastes great!

If you don’t like the way it tastes you may say:

My coffee tastes bitter!


My coffee has a bitter flavor.

At a Coffee Shop

If you go to a coffee shop you Order a cup of coffee.

There are many different types of coffee drinks. You may order A latte, A mocha, A cappuccino or A cup of espresso.

Coffee may be available in cups or containers of different sizes. You may say:

“I’d like a small (medium, large) latte (mocha, cappuccino).”

You may also order A decaf coffee (“decaf” stands for a decaffeinated drink)

You may order your coffee To go if you are not planning to stay in the coffee shop to drink it.

Making Coffee

If you’d like to make your coffee at home, you need to follow these steps.

First you will need to buy a bag of coffee. It could be a bag of ground coffeewhole roasted beans or green coffee beans.

If you are using green coffee beans, you will need to:

  • roast your coffee.
  • grind your coffee.
  • brew your coffee.

If you are using whole roasted beans, you will need to skip the 1st step and just grind and brew it.

If you are using ground coffee, all you have to do is just brew your coffee.

Storing Coffee

Ground coffee Goes stale quickly. You need to Store it in an airtight container. You can Refrigerate it to Keep it fresh longer.

Drinking Coffee

When your Coffee is ready, you Pour it into a coffee mug or a coffee cup and Serve it.

Enjoy your drink!

Домашнее задание:

1. Разобрать новую лексику.

2. Подготовиться к прохождению теста! Тест будет опубликован в следующий раз.

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